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I can not connect to server

Добавлено: 15 янв 2018, 19:02
Hello, i have a little trouble with connect to server -> http://prntscr.com/i0s434 here is problem.Someone who can help me ?
Thanks for answers have a good day.

Re: I can not connect to server

Добавлено: 16 янв 2018, 21:40
they dont want english players to play why u give a try?

Re: I can not connect to server

Добавлено: 17 янв 2018, 09:01
merwin писал(а):Hello, i have a little trouble with connect to server -> http://prntscr.com/i0s434 here is problem.Someone who can help me ?
Thanks for answers have a good day.

try the way to correct that would not have been special characters, in particular - "???"